
Showing posts from August, 2010

Aktif dan Pasif

Tiba-tiba terpikir menulis dengan judul di atas bukan karena saya sedang mengerjakan penelitian berbasis analisis wacana kritis, tapi memang sedikit banyak terpengaruh dari perspektif yang ada di dalamnya tentang bagaimana memaknai kalimat. Kali ini mengenai hal sederhana yang sebenarnya berefek besar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

And So It Tells

, You're always stand out alone, You're always count yourself in, alone, Even when you're with company, You grow the feeling to be not alone within yourself, It's you who think that you're not alone. You may cry out loud for company, Looking at your left and your right to earn some symphaties, But, it's you.  Who always fear of being alone. You think it will be insecure, to be alone, That it's safer when you're with company, Then, again, it's you who think that companion brings secure to life. You're insecure, indeed. I'm insecure, indeed. When trouble seems not fair, While solutions is never about to be fair to both sides, Well, it's you, who fear too much, And again, it's you, who's haunted by self. Okay, it's all me. Who feel sad of losing companion, Who feel sad of embracing insecureness, Who feel terrible for not be able to lose other, Who feel safe when I know there's still companies forward, Who feel lost when ...

Dunia yang Dingin

Tidak hanya satu atau dua, tapi seketika, tiap sisi dinding yang membuat ruangan ini hangat, kini luruh. Luruh bersama udara, angin, yang mengikis, dan air yang meresap meruntuhkan. Ruangan yang pernah hangat harus terima kebebasan udara dan partikel berlalu-lalang mengitari, atau melintasinya. Suka-suka! Lha, wong dinding yang mengesahkan batas kepemilikan antar ruang sudah tidak ada, Sekat pencipta aturan tak kasat mata telah bebas melebur dan wuusss ! Lenyap. Aku pikir merdeka itu nikmat, jadi aku ijinkan saja si dinding-dinding runtuh tanpa kucoba bangun kembali. Mungkin--pikirku--dengan kemerdekaan sekat antara satu ruang dengan ruang yang lain, akan turut memerdekakan jiwa-jiwa di dalamnya, hingga kami bisa berdansa dalam satu ruang tak bersekat. Berarti, kami sama kedudukannya sebagai 'mantan empunya ruang bersekat'. Ternyata, malam tidak membawa apa-apa. Aku memang merdeka dari batas, mereka juga euphoria dengan lapang baru yang membuat rongga nafas lebih luas. Ka...

Selamat Zaman Edan

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya mengumandangkan kalimat ini berulang-ulang dalam hati saya, "There's no such thing as safest place in the world," Tidak ada namanya 'aman' di dunia ini, setidaknya demikian rasa yang menggaung dalam diri saya. Pemikiran tersebut muncul dari menginderakan apa yang terlihat, terbaca, terasa, terjadi di sekitar saya dan skalanya juga tidak melulu hal-hal besar seperti perampokan dan lain-lain.


Everything I see is real, from every sides I stare and think, I always end up at one side: asking. There's a time where people ask too much about their own senses in interpreting meaning of life, they would end up biting their own mind, hoping that thinking would give answers for all the questions. At one part of our existence, human weren't created to find all the meaning through saying, at most part of our existence, human find what they're trying to conclude by experience, whereas word sometimes can't describe it all. Because words, sentences, saying, all the thinkings we try to define through language, are discursive. Yes, it is a trouble, while we can't live and survive without communicating by language. So this is it, where it's a trouble for me, too much asking within my self and so far, I only can assume an predict some probabilities. The saddest point of thinking is we (I) intend to give hope within, and that's what keeps us stronger/survive wit...