Touched by an Angel

Monica witnessed a bombing that exploded an office building across the street, while she was having a conversation with her two angel friends. In that very shocking moment, she—along with the other two angels of God—abruptly run toward the building and hysterically cried for what they had just seen. It turned out that the horrible scene she saw had frustrated her and, at the same time, shaken her faith to God. She thought that learning to use heart to feel was no use for angels, since it was only made to be broken; a very human thing.

Later, Monica wandered alone and unexpectedly, questioned about God’s will, her faith and principle as an angel. Then there she was visited by a man—that later she recognized as no ordinary mortal, but satan—who offered her another choice of living by becoming a human. At the beginning of their conversation, she explained her reason of frustration and why the bombing had brought her such a misery to the human form of the satan,

“I am hurting, because as much as God loves them (human), they (human) don’t love each other.” Then, “They write books and songs about love, but they don’t love.”

*Taken from one episode of Touched by an Angel (season 7), a 1994-2003 TV series that narrate the work of three angels of God (Tess, Monica, and Andrew) that are sent to earth to guard human and help them getting through the crossroads in life.

Makassar, 9 January 2014


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