Everybody Needs to Escape

Everyone needs to escape from their routines. 

I see many people around me who are getting on their nerves. Talking about phase, it may be a difficult time for me and many of my fellas. I am not saying that we're all busy doing many things in a day--some of us are, literally--but somehow, I see some people are getting sick with what they must think and do nowadays. Indeed, human gets his/her own difficult things in life and it's getting stronger also harder each day, in common way we say it 'being mature issue'. Okay, it'll be easier for me to talk about my own feeling than to generalize it by using 'us' or 'me and my fellas'.

Stuff I have to work on is an academic thing, which other people or collegians must be facing at the time they want to graduate. I don't know whether it's me that haven't been disciplining myself at the tightest or I do need to take a break for the sake of my mind and to resume it later. But, I think, it's acceptable for every person who feels at the top of mind's limit and need to get out for a while. This final paper doesn't take a lot from body, physically, but it does need a lot of thinking. I feel some situations that's been changing in me, which affect much to my surrounding, I pretty much become angry easily. Even when I feel there's nothing wrong happens, I keep angry and become very sensitive to people around me. Many times, I blew up easily and shouted with no reasons to my boyfriend while I was throwing things brutally. Then, it became a new matter for me and him, we had a fight because of this and made problems (which in reality there's no problem) coming on the surface.

I've spent my days with all non-real matter bugging me. Until I realized, I had to find where these things came from? I had to find the root for this abstract problem that kept controlling my logic, and, well, I just found it recently. Now, I need to take a break of it. I've been getting unhealthy--emotionally--which led my attitude into the worst. Well, it's not good at all to communicate with people while you're on unkindly mind. At that time, I knew it that it wasn't me who was thinking or talking or acting or doing, but I also couldn't help this emotion who kept burning my self into bad tempered woman.

Many routines in life that could make people gone mad. Magically, people couldn't bear it and cure their own self without a strong will. To refresh is one way to get out from it, many people think vacation or travel somewhere could heal. I absolutely agree, because new situation can brings a lot of inspirations and helps us making space to think when we return to the routines. It's not about wasting time or money, not even to get some pleasures for nothing. When we're taking a break from routines, we're trying to make more intimacy with our own self, we're trying to help our own self, and for me it's worth more than to lay down on bed grumping about how useless we are at the time. It doesn't give any way out from those nerves and in the end, it gives nothing. It doesn't mean that we're (or I'm) too lazy to work on anything, because I've been trying hardly to figure a way out to keep doing the routines. Well, so far, it doesn't work effectively.

That's how powerful mind could be in self. I could make a move by keeping a positive thinking, but at the clumsiest moment, I couldn't help it. I utterly wanted to disobey it, in fact, I just let it out with any way that was not giving me any advantages at all. From certain moments, now I know, I need a break. I need to get out of town for a while, to make myself into the healthy one, like I am in the proper condition. Routines are not enemies, they just need inspiration and healthy mind to be done at the best.***

Bandung, 17/03/10


  1. bnr tuh kl semua org butuh saat dimana keluar dr rutinitas, bkn utk ngelupain sjenak (ga mngkn lupa dah sm hal yg plg bikin mumet kpala utk saat trtentu) tp utk menyegarkan tubuh sm pikiran spy lbh jernih ngeliat isu yg lg bikin mumet td.

    emg deh hal yg bikin mumet kepala itu juara! bs bikin semua goyang". tp stlh kenalan sm si mumet itu, jd tau kl doi itu musuh paling nyata (diri sndri). Nahan nafsu dg berpuasa ga ad rasanya dibanding nahan nafsu pgn ngegeplak si doi. Hehe,.

    emg musti dicari jln damainya, kl dilawan ga ad gunanya. tmbh puyeng yg ad! tetap smangat crut!!

  2. mee to, i'm getting angry so easily. i couldnt help myself. i was in a situation "i cant hear and i wont hear" hahaha. teorinya mah udah khatam haha.
    and i need a way out, sure, to escape, literally. i need to warming out my emotion.

    gw banget tuh kan, haha. jadi malu eke, "lay down on bed grumping about how useless we are at the time"

  3. me too, i'm getting angry so easily. i couldnt help myself. i was in a situation "i cant hear and i wont hear" hahaha. teorinya mah udah khatam haha.
    and i need a way out, sure, to escape, literally. i need to warming out my emotion.

    gw banget tuh kan, haha. jadi malu eke, "lay down on bed grumping about how useless we are at the time"


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